
RunwayML Video Research Series



I am working with RunwayML to to create public educational videos about creative AI. These series are on RunwayML’s Research Blog.


Creative AI Conservations

One series I am working on is Creative AI Conservations, a collection of conversations with prominent AI researchers and artists on their perspectives on creative AI.

In Creative AI Conservations, I interview AI researchers such as Rebecca Fiebrink, Devi Parikh, David Ha, Jia-Bin Huang, and Soumyadip Sengupta, and discuss their ideas on the rapidly-changing fields of creativity and AI.


Behind the Scenes

With my experience in teaching technical concepts in machine learning, I also am developing the series Behind the Scenes.

In this series, I explain how certain ML tools work under the hood— diving into the datasets they were trained on, the model architecture, etc.