At the Rhode Island School of Design, I served as an adjunct professor teaching two graduate-level courses on design research and technology.
Design Methodologies for Cyborg Natures
I taught the research course Design Methodologies for Cyborg Natures with professor Anastasiia Raina in summer 2020.
In this course, we used machine learning to explore the themes of chaos, order, and biological growth.
AI-generated sea creatures by Danlei Huang in a page from the book Big Data, Big Design.
An essay on our experiments with AI, Machines Have Eyes, was recently published in the book Big Data. Big Design: Why Designers Should Care About Machine Learning by Helen Armstrong. See my publications page for more details about the book.
We also presented our research work at Hyundai Motors and the University of Bergen in Norway.
Research team credit: Meredith Binnette, Yimei Hu, Danlei Huang, Zack Davey, Qihang Li; project presentation here.
Exhibiting Transdisciplinary Research
I also taught the graduate-level studio course Exhibiting Transdisciplinary Research with professor Agi Haines in spring 2021.
In this course, students had to further their individual research interests, while we introduced them to new techniques of machine learning art, augmented reality, and 3D modelling.
Machine Learning on Xray Head Scans, Ann Dinh.
Machine Learning on Cell Division Videos, Rita Duan.
Movement Tracking in a Shared Space, Neil Nelson.
AR Target Tracking Experiments, Hilary He.